My name is Chais Lindbergh. I just completed my Freshman year at John Horn High School. In my free time, I attend church several times a week. God becomes my first priority in life. In addition, I play on the tennis team and I play the piano. As for my family, I have my parents, one brother, and a dog. My family means the world to me because I am around them most of my time. School is also an important task in my life because my grades mean a lot to me. When I'm older, I want to go to Southern Methodist University when I go to college. All of these things are valuable to me and it is some of my life goals.
I am a hero as lover because it is the love for Jesus Christ, my family, and my friends. I guess you could say I'm the "Prince Charming" but it is not for any girl...yet. It is only for my close loved ones. They are all that I need and nothing separates me from them.
My parents are so encouraging to me and they keep pushing me to give all I've got. One of the things where I continue to have perseverance, is in the sport of tennis. This is what I love to do and I could play that all day, 24/7. I improve with that sport, so in time I can become one of the best on the team on varsity at my school. In addition, I play the
piano but I haven't had lessons in about a year. Piano is something that keeps me connected to music. Tennis and piano are more than hobbies that keep me occupied, it is something that gives me a love in life and makes me determined throughout my lifetime.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Hero as Lover...
Posted by Chais Lindbergh at 8:00 AM 1 comments
The Epic Journey to Find the Promise Land...
The journey to find the promise land is about me achieving to be the first person in the Lindbergh family to graduate from college. This is a long-term goal that I have been wanting for the majority of my life. I'll be able to be the first grad student in my family and that is an event that I am anticipating. When I get my degree in the university that I choose, it will be a moment that I will
cherish forever. My parents would feel so proud of me of this accomplishment. This is something that is important to me and it will get me to a place called the "promise land." My faith will rise in me and I will have so much confidence within myself. It will create a place in my heart that will follow me everywhere.
Posted by Chais Lindbergh at 8:00 AM 0 comments
The Mentor...

If I had to choose one, my mentor would have to be my mom because she has helped me be the person I am today. She has helped me accomplish the goals that I thought was never possible. First of all, she has helped my with my studies in school. When ever I had a question about a paper, she was always there for me and she would do her best to find the answer. Secondly, when I was having a bad day, she was there to talk to me and lift my spirits up to make me feel better. Thirdly, if I had a tough situation and I needed someone to give me some advice, there she was giving me wisdom that changes my life. I could keep going on to talk about

Posted by Chais Lindbergh at 8:00 AM 0 comments
The Threshold Guardian...
The threshold guardian in my life would have to be the Bible. This is a written book inspired by God. In this book, it gives numerous amounts of advice to help you at times of struggle or in need to give you a sense of direction. The Bible is a guide that helps me everyday even when I have an obstacle in my life. For instance, it tells me things about how the road will not be easy. Matthew 7:14 "But the narrow gate and the road that lead to life are full of trouble. Only a few people find the narrow gate." With this book, I now have confidence and conviction in myself because my Lord Jesus Christ can do anything. Philippians 4:13 "I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me." The Bible is something that I have trust and faith in. This book tests me and gives me challenges, but I know I will succeed with Jesus Christ.
Posted by Chais Lindbergh at 7:59 AM 0 comments
For many people, their shadow is a person that affects them greatly, but for me, it would be my cell phone and television. Just recently I got a new cell phone and I have been on it ever since I received it. Television is also my weakness because I'm always watching an episode and getting distracted when I'm suppose to be doing other tasks. These two objects are something that I don't want to eliminate from my life even though it sometimes has a negative affect on me.
For illustration, my cell phone is something that I cannot go anywhere without. If I lost it, I would be devastated and miserable. In addition, whenever I get home, the tv is one of the first things that I see and that is what keeps me zoned in for about an hour.
To me, these things are a shadow in my life because it hinders me from doing many activities and it makes me lazy. It also makes me not pay attention because I'm tuned in to texting on my phone or something new that occured on tv. This is a shadow that sometimes "defeats me" because if prevents me from reaching my goals.
Posted by Chais Lindbergh at 7:59 AM 0 comments
The trickster in my life would have to be my cousin, Morgan Houston. She is always finding a way to make me laugh. Everywhere we are, we are always making a joke about something that has happened recently or in the past. She is one of my favorite people in my life because we both connect in many ways. She gives me so much laughter in my life to give me a big smile on my face.
As for example, whenever I'm having a tough situation, she will talk to me and will give something to think about and that puts me back in the right direction. She is a person that I can turn to when something is going wrong in my life, and helps me release the tension that I have within myself. All the things that she does for me means so much to me because without her, my attitude would be completely different everyday. I love her so much for everything that she does because she gives me a positive image and outlook. Morgan brings the clown out of me to give me so much amusement about everything. She is a person that gives me life inside myself, and that is why I will treasurer her and everything she does forever.
Posted by Chais Lindbergh at 7:59 AM 0 comments
Hero Searching for a Lady...
I am the hero that is waiting for a special lady to come my way. A lady who can be become my inspiration and will be my guide in any situation. I want her religion and family values to become a priority in her life because this is the foundation of a good relationship.
Also, her personality is important to me because I like someone who can be serious, but at the same time have a sense of humour. I hope this is a lady that I can really connect with and that she is a role model to people everyday. I know it sounds like I am a picky person when it comes to dating, but that is what I am looking for to fill up into the empty piece inside. I am not in any hurry because I know it will happen when the time is right.
Posted by Chais Lindbergh at 7:59 AM 0 comments
Going on a Journey...
In life, I think everyone has to go on a journey, learn a lesson, change in some way, and return home. This example includes me, and I think that going to college is the perfect illustration. When going to college, everyone becomes independent and they feel they don't need their parents right by them every step they take. I feel that is what I have to accomplish before I go any farther. This is going to be challenging for me because my parents is what strengthens me and gives me encouragement. College becomes a difficult situation to make a leap from h
igh school to college. This journey in college is a huge endeavor to encounter and completely transforms you internally. After years of learning, you return home and see your family again. This is a long process but it will have a good outcome in the end. It presents your hard work and perseverance because the worth of time you put in. It starts as a difficult path to face, but later everything becomes worth while because of a career that starts a new beginning.
Posted by Chais Lindbergh at 7:59 AM 0 comments
Divine and Supernatural Force...
Jesus Christ becomes the supernatural force that helps me wherever I am. He is omnipresent since he is everywhere at the same time! This is a God that I have faith in and I believe He is with me physically and mentally. If something wrong is coming my way, I know that He is going to shield me and protect me because my God is amazing. He is my provider whenever a situation comes up. A s
ong has been written, "He is more than enough, He supplies all of me needs and He always looks after me. He is my God!" This force is like no other and is very special and unique. No one can really understand the depth of the powers that He contains. My God is wonderful and you can truly know that you are put into good hands. He is a force that will always be a huge part of me that I will NEVER leave behind.
Posted by Chais Lindbergh at 7:58 AM 0 comments
Ceremony Into Intiation...
Since I was a child, I have loved Jesus and I asked Him to be my Savior. A step later, I was baptized at the age of seven. This is a commandment Christ expects you to do after receiving Him into your heart. The ceremony was so special to me. My old pastor, Danny Wegman, fulfilled this on a special day in 2001. When doing this, people have to understand what Jesus has really done in the past and what he is doing today. This is a memory that will last a lifetime because it was a move into a deeper relationship with Christ.
Posted by Chais Lindbergh at 7:58 AM 0 comments
Contests of Strength...
A competition that I am engaged in, is Fine Arts. This is a church event that I participate in every year. I am in the category of human video, and that is acting out scenes from the Bible with a couple of songs playing in
the background. It is a ministry for God that I show my praise and worship for Him. It is physically completed with various stunts added into every scene. It is also mentally and emotionally demanding because your pouring your heart and soul to everything happening throughout the video. After competing, you get your results the next day. If the judges like your human video, you go to nationals in another state.
At the end of the day, I feel so proud of what I have accomplished since my church has gone to nationals every year. This year we are going to Orlando, Florida to compete. I know that the video is not all about the competition, but it is also for ministry.
Posted by Chais Lindbergh at 7:57 AM 0 comments