A competition that I am engaged in, is Fine Arts. This is a church event that I participate in every year. I am in the category of human video, and that is acting out scenes from the Bible with a couple of songs playing in
the background. It is a ministry for God that I show my praise and worship for Him. It is physically completed with various stunts added into every scene. It is also mentally and emotionally demanding because your pouring your heart and soul to everything happening throughout the video. After competing, you get your results the next day. If the judges like your human video, you go to nationals in another state.
At the end of the day, I feel so proud of what I have accomplished since my church has gone to nationals every year. This year we are going to Orlando, Florida to compete. I know that the video is not all about the competition, but it is also for ministry.
I'm A Hero!
15 years ago
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